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030_Opening Night - Reception + Performances (Screening 01)

The Mini Microcinema @ The Carnegie
Opening Night Reception + Performances

Artist Talk: 5:30pm
Roger Beebe: 7:00pm
Cartoon Research Lab: 8:00pm

Please join us for two opening night performances!

(multi-projector experiments by Roger Beebe).

Followed By:
Cartoon Research Lab presents “Cartoons vs. Arists”
Curated by Erin K. Drew

The Carnegie welcomes The Mini Microcinema with an open- ing reception premiering the installation work of Alice Pixley Young, Francis Hollenkamp and Paul Karalambo, Intermedio (Eric Blyth, Sam Ferris-Morris, Justin West), and Austin Radcliffe. We will also unveil our posters for the new season.

Filmmaker/curator/professor Roger Beebe visits the Mini with a program of his multiple-projector performances. The show features several of his best-known pieces including the six-projector show-stopping space jam “Last Light of a Dying Star” alongside his latest multi-projector may- hem, “SOUNDFILM.”

Roger Beebe will be followed by a special evening version of the Cartoon Research Laboratory (CRL) curated by Erin K. Drew. The CRL is an opportunity for scholars of the medium to study “classic” cartoons alongside contemporary animation bearing its influence. In this edition, curator Erin K. Drew will be escorting viewers through mid-century depictions of artists in animation. While beaux artistes of the era were borrowing imagery from comics, cartoons and “low culture” forms, studio cartoons were generating portrayals of artists as swindlers, savages, and exotic, slovenly children... with undeniable allure.

Roger Beebe and Erin K. Drew in attendance!

Poster Artists: Justin Lunsford
Flatscreen Art: Joseph and Ryan Morris


Roger Beebe has screened his films around the globe at such unlikely venues as the CBS Jumbotron in Times Square and McMurdo Station in Antarctica as well as more likely ones including Sundance and the Museum of Modern Art among many other venues.  Beebe is also a film programmer:  he ran Flicker, a festival of small-gauge film in Chapel Hill, NC, from 1997-2000 and was the founder and Artistic Director of FLEX, the Florida Experimental Film Festival from 2004-2014.  He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Art at the Ohio State University.


Erin K Drew is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and instructor who enjoys teaching conceptual art to teens, deconstructing "novelty" and "entertainment" in the art world, and bringing cartoon pedagogy to her peers.

Earlier Event: September 11
Goodbye and THANK YOU volunteer party!
Later Event: March 17
031_Latitude > Mexico